Istotne informacje
Pamięć '81
Erasmus plus
Projekt unijny PO WER
Inicjatywy uczniowskie
Konkurs j. angielskiego
Dla maturzystów
Dla kandydatów do LO
- Szczegóły
Poprawiono: wtorek, 12, luty 2019 16:49
Odsłony: 1731
- American culture
- British culture
- Sports
- Major American cities
- Major English cities
- The most influential people coming from English-speaking countries(scientists,artists,celebrities,etc)
- Recent political events in the world.
- Racial problems.
- Stereotypes
- The British Commonwealth
- Australia and New Zealand
- British political system
- American political system
- British media
- American media
- Polonia in the USA
- Tourism
- The British Royal Family
- British history
- American history
- Geography (the UK, the USA)
- Social problems
- Protection of the natural environment
- British schools and universities
- American schools and universities
- Traditional food (the UK, the USA)
- Poland in the European Union
- Modern technological advances
- The role of the UK in Europe.